Aylett & Co. Fund Managers is an independently owned
and managed asset management boutique.
19 years of Aylett magic

Our Philosophy
We are rational, bottom-up in our thinking, looking at assets rather than at the economy.
We favour assets supported by a strong and sustainable business model, managed effectively and priced well.
We spend considerable time and effort focused on the downside, i.e. the avoidance of permanent capital loss.
Risk for us is the permanent loss of capital.
Who We Are
Our team consists of individuals with impressive academic credentials. Intelligence, energy, integrity and a passion for investing are the special ingredients required to work at Aylett & Co. We invest our own assets alongside our clients’ in our funds. Our success is therefore closely aligned with that of our clients.
“Ours is a highly privileged environment – we work with people we really like, doing a job we love, entrusted with managing investor capital and for that we are entitled to participate in an incredibly generous reward structure. We invest our own assets in Aylett & Co. managed unit trusts. Out-performance therefore rewards us in both our personal capacity and in our career capacity.”
— Walter Aylett, CEO